Upgradable Smart Contracts

One of the most significant evolutions in blockchain technology is that of upgradable smart contracts, which allow you to modify and improve contracts even after they’re deployed. Unlike old fashioned smart contracts that cannot be changed after execution has occurred, upgradable smart contracts can be updated and improved while leaving dApps that rely on them out of the loop. This is a must for all projects that will be in development and adaptation for a long time. In this article, let’s take a closer look at what upgradable smart contracts are, how they work, their advantages, and how security considerations affect them.

Upgradable Smart Contracts: The Second part is devoted to enhancing flexibility in blockchain

Smart contracts are a form of blockchain technology which can be modified without stopping the system. In the traditional smart contracts, as soon as they are deployed, they can not be altered since, they are immutable. Of course this immutability brings security and trust, but also reduces flexibility when bugs appear, updates need to happen, or changes to business logic are required. Smart contracts can be updated with a new state and functionality, but preserving the current state and functionality without relying on permission from the original contract owner or forgetting to update the contract with every new release, this solves the problem of known issues with smart contracts by introducing the concept of upgradable smart contracts.

The operation of Upgradable Smart Contracts

Proxy patterns allow us to implement upgradable smart contracts where the data and the logic are separated. The data (data = all that your DApp needs to function) is managed by a proxy contract, which holds onto the data and interacts with the logic contract, which has the actual business rules or functionality of the DApp. A redeploy is only required of the logic contract, leaving the data contract intact. Since the updated boilerplate contains within itself the address of the previously deployed template, this structure allows developers to modify or update features, fixes bugs, or adapt to new regulations without having to redeploy a new contract. Changes, governed by some mechanism of governance, are usually authorized and follow a transparent process.

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Upgradable Smart Contracts Benefits and Challenges

Smart contracts are upgradable and that offers important benefits: flexibility and adaptability. Dealing with the security of cryptocurrencies, they allow developers to fix errors, add new features, reply to changing regulations without interfering with the ongoing operations of decentralized applications (dApps). As such, upgradable smart contracts are extremely useful for long term projects for which such a feature is highly desired.

However, there are certain risks introduced when smart contrats can be upgraded. If not handled carefully, the upgrade process of contracts itself can create security vulnerabilities, where malicious actors can exploit the upgrade mechanism to change the contract in malicious ways. Also, governance and control over the upgrade process itself is needed and this, although it varies but may ultimately lead to centralization which conflicts the decentralized nature of blockchain. Implementing upgradable smart contracts is challenging as well with regards to striking a balance between flexibility and security.


Imple­ment­ing upgradable smart con­tracts is essen­tial for block­chain appli­ca­tions that need to evolve over time and give the abil­ity to fix bugs, add new fea­tures, and respond to chang­ing con­di­tions. Upgradable smart contracts improve the ability to be flexible and to have longevity to decentralized applications, but they also make it possible to create cybersecurity risks and governance challenges. In a maturing blockchain space, smart contracts that are capable of being upgradable after deployment will become an increasingly important part of any strong and flexible smart contract system.

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